
Apple Films a 5-Hour Long Single-Shot Walkthrough of Hermitage

State Hermitage Museum is the largest museum in Russia and the second largest in the world, right behind Louvre in Paris. It’s located in...

Simão the Beagle Will Make You Fall in Love with Lisbon

Travel inspiration can come from the most unusual places, and if you’re dreaming of visiting Lisbon, there’s no need to check Instagram pages of...

This Artist Leans on Her Background In Architecture

Multidisciplinary artist Marina Esmeraldo works across disciplines and materials with the aim to represent consciousness shaped by inner perception and make what she calls...

Artist Depicts a 50-Meter-Tall Mural to Raise Awareness About Pollution

Vitaly Tsarenkov lives in a colorful world. The Russian artist creates bright paintings, murals, and sculptures that you can easily mix with real-life blocks....

The Expansive, Imaginary Landscapes of Olivia Kemp

Incredible doesn't even begin to describe it. Olivia Kemp's detailed pen drawings are utterly breathtaking. Working exclusively with pen and ink (with no pencil...

Let There Be Light (and Darkness): Scott Tulay’s Dynamic Drawings

Scott Tulay's drawings have a certain edge to them. Exploring the relationship between light and dark, they highlight the ambiguity of space. The end...

We’re Obsessed With Marina Paredes’ Miniature Wooden Houses

Dollhouse enthusiasts are on the rise, with more people than ever taking to miniature art as a hobby during quarantine. Miniatures can range from...

These Complex Architectural Drawings Will Blow You Away

It's easy to get lost in the impressive architectural drawings of Virginia-based artist Benjamin Sack. His pen and paper works are not just complex...

This Instagram Page Collects Images Of Ugly Dutch Buildings

The Netherlands is known to be an astonishing country full of canals, greenery, and flowers. Oh, but let us not forget the beautiful buildings...

Calvin Seibert is Building Amazing Sandcastles Inspired By Brutalist Architecture

We all loved building sandcastles as children, but Calvin Seibert is still doing it as a grown-up, and he unlocked their true potential. He’s...

Emi Hazlett is Celebrating Dutch Architecture Through Her Paper Art

There’s something truly magical about Dutch art, and living in Amsterdam isn’t stopping Emi Hazlett from being wowed by it every day. This paper...