Calvin Seibert is Building Amazing Sandcastles Inspired By Brutalist Architecture

We all loved building sandcastles as children, but Calvin Seibert is still doing it as a grown-up, and he unlocked their true potential. He’s an architecture lover based in New York, best known for building spectacular sandcastles inspired by modern and brutalist architecture.

Seibert dreamt about becoming an architect when he was younger, but life took him in another direction. He attended art school in New York and studied many art forms over the years, but architecture remained one of his biggest passions.

He was always more interested in the early stages of construction than the finished buildings and decided to explore his love for architecture by building sandcastles. He enjoys sketching them beforehand but eventually builds them with no concrete plan in mind, taking quick turns as he goes along.

“In my mind they are always mash-ups of influences and ideas… When they are successful they don’t feel contained or finished. They become organic machines that might continue to grow and expand. I am always adding just one more bit, and if time allowed, I wouldn’t stop,” Seibert told Arch Daily.

Some of the tools he uses along the way are a paint bucket, homemade plastic trowels, and up to 150 gallons of water. Curious looks, winds, waves, and seagulls sometimes come in the way of his work, but they haven’t stopped him from building many amazing sandcastles over the years.