Take Shelter In Saara Katariina Söderlund’s Illustrations

Saara Katariina Söderlund’s illustrations fill our hearts with the purest form of joy. With forest critters, flowers, and houseplants common themes throughout her work, her Instagram page provides a sort of virtual haven for those of us stuck at home.

Based in Finland, Katariina Söderlund’s home and studio is based in the countryside. “I have a small and cozy home studio with a desk that I use for painting, another desk for my computer and a little couch for our dogs,” she shared with Flow Magazine. “Most of the time I stay by my painting desk, but when it comes to finalizing my work I switch to my computer.”

According to Katariina Söderlund, her work requires both solitude and creative companionship. “I work best if these two are balanced,” she notes. “I work from home, but my husband is also a creative entrepreneur and has his office right next to mine. I think it’s a pretty ideal situation; I like to have my space and quiet, but it’s also very important for me to have someone to bounce ideas off and take coffee breaks with.”

And when she isn’t working she can be found embroidering or running around with her binoculars and watching birds. The ideal lifestyle if you ask us. You can follow her ins and outs on Instagram.