Serbian Webshop Helps Cats in Need

If you are a true cat lover, it is considered obligatory to own at least one t-shirt dedicated to your furry friend, right? You can find adorable feline prints everywhere; in webshops, markets, boutiques, and so on. However, in Serbia, there is an online store that differs from all the classic web stores you are used to.

It is called Uncut Creations and they produce T-shirts and hoodies with funny motifs of a feline couple named Milisav and Milica and other animals like worms or insects. The mastermind behind these projects is a girl named Jelena Acanski, who describes herself as a “scientist, nomad, and ME/CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) fighter”.

Another thing worth mentioning is her charity actions in which she donates the entire income from the sale of her products to cats in need. Thus, Uncut’s creations helped several cats in their fight against the deadly virus, FIP. She also donated money to the Public Aquarium in Belgrade, the capital city of Serbia.

To see her hilarious designs, visit their Instagram page, and give her a follow.