Meet the Russian Artist Whose Photo Manipulation Skills Are Off the Charts

Vadim Solovyov a Russian art director for an advertising agency by day and a photoshopper by night, spends his free time transforming his city of St. Petersburg into something that looks like it was ripped straight out of a fantasy world.

The result? A series of photos that will make you do a double-take.

Seriously, it’ll be hard to tell whether it’s real or not.

From giant pigeons to flying squids and anything else he comes up, the artist’s Instagrams are full of incredible photos that showcase his creativity and skill.

Make sure that you scroll down below and prepare yourself for quite the wild ride.
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Знаменитая гигантская гм-горилла Эдуард с его одноименной шоу-программой «Блистательный Эдуард» приехал в Петербург чтобы дать несколько своих концертов в Цирке на Фонтанке. К сожалению, организаторы не приняли во внимание размеры Эдуарда, предложив ему для выступлений эту площадку. Теперь гм-горилла, в ожидании обратного рейса, скучает на крыше цирка, изредка делая замечания водителям, не соблюдающим правила парковки. А ведь я взял два билета на его шоу 🙁 ____ The famous giant GM gorilla Eduard with his eponymous show program "Eduard The Brilliant" came to St. Petersburg to give several concerts at the circus on Fontanka. Unfortunately, the organizers did not take into account the size of Eduard, offering him this place for performances. Now the GM gorilla, waiting for the return flight, gets bored on the roof of the circus, occasionally making remarks to drivers who do not comply with Parking rules. In fact, I took two tickets to his show 🙁 . #арт #фотошоп #art #photoshop #edit #вадимсоловьев

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