Let There Be Light: Hari & Deepti’s Paper Art Really Pops

Art duo Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panicker (aka Hari & Deepti) describe themselves as cloud chasers and paper cut artists. Undeniable experts of all things paper, they create dreamlike settings that employ light and shadows.

“Paper is brutal in its simplicity as a medium,” they write on their website. “It demands the attention of the artist while it provides the softness they need to mold it into something beautiful. It is playful, light, colorless and colorful. It is minimal and intricate. It reflects light, creates depth and illusions in a way that it takes the artist through a journey with limitless possibilities.”

Drawn towards the imaginative aspect of storytelling, the duo believes that paper is a great medium to reflect the many shades and depths a good story contains. To that, they add light, creating paper cut shadow boxes assembled in wooden boxes. Their back-lit light boxes incorporate flexible LED strip lights, making the end result really pop.

It’s an art form that relies on the dichotomy between light and dark. “What amazes us about the paper cut light boxes are the dichotomy of the piece in its lit and unlit state, the contrast is so stark that it has this mystical effect on the viewers,” they explain.

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