Kyès Portrays Celebrities as Stars of Classical Paintings

French artist Kyès makes some of the most original portraits of celebrities you have had the opportunity to see on the internet so far. In their works, popular actors, athletes, and musicians become the stars of classical paintings. And when you think about it, this makes perfect sense.

Nowadays, you see celebrities on billboards, magazine covers, and social media posts. This is how they will be remembered several centuries from now. However, if they had lived in the 17th century and had the same popularity, they would have been immortalized in the form of a painting.

Following this idea, Kyès is sending the likes of Mike Tyson, Lil Wayne, Rihanna, Scarlet Johansson, and other celebs on a journey back in time. The subjects of these works remain faithful to their present-day look in only their most basic features. Everything else, including their clothes, stance, and body language, is like they were really painted 200 or 300 years ago.

Thanks to the great job they do with these portraits, the artist managed to get themselves an impressive Instagram following. At the moment, they have 89K followers, with the number growing each day.

You can see more of Kyès’ intriguing works below.