Blanca Gómez’s Illustrations Are a Childhood Dream

Like most kids, Blanca Gómez’s first illustrations were dedicated to her mom. But little did she imagine that her child-like illustrations would carry into adulthood and blossom into a full-time career.

“I started working as a freelancer a bit by chance, admitted the Madrid-based illustrator in an interview with Freelance Wisdom. “I had worked for almost 10 years as a graphic designer. I liked the job, yet during those last months I was feeling stuck, and I needed a change.”

That change came, like in most cases through the internet. “Illustration crossed my graphic designer path,” she recalled. “After taking some time to learn and self-teach, I started showing my work on the internet, and bit by bit, I started getting some collaborations and even some small jobs, but I never thought I could earn a living exclusively off of this work.”

It was only when the financial crisis was looming on the horizon and the design studio she was working for started cutting expenses, that she decided to immerse in her true passion. “I decided it was time for me to leave for good and start anew,” she said.

With a little over 60k followers on Instagram, we’re thinking she made the right choice. Take a look for yourself!