This Artist Reclaims Disposable Materials

Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski makes art that sparkles and glistens. Known on Instagram as Wild Home Girl, her art relies on materials that are usually classed as femme, foolish, too much, and disposable, such as sequins, mirrors, and beauty supplies.

“In the lineage of drag and carnival, I re-claim these materials and let them take up space and ritual significance,” she explained in an interview with Art of Choice. “My main exploration has been around how I can have flamboyant material objects produce the ephemeral lighting conditions under which that object is seen. Sequin refracts video content into illegible constellations, mirrors bend white light into rainbows.”

Currently attending the Yale School of Art for an MFA in Painting and Printmaking, her artwork incorporates drawing, installation, and performance – all are blended together in a happy (if sometimes overflowing) mixture of color and texture.

“Material experimentation is a big part of how I begin, and most of it doesn’t amount to anything I would want to show people,” she jokes. “But I’ve learned that I have to do it. A lot of listening to music and trying to make rainbows in the dark.”

Take a look at some of her rainbows in the dark: