The Great Flooflers is Sharing Adorable Illustrations Inspired By Viral Cat Videos

Do you know that feeling when you see a hilarious cat video and you want to share it with the entire world? The Great Flooflers knows exactly how it feels and she decided to do something about it—draw adorable illustrations inspired by the most purrfect viral videos.

The Great Flooflers is the alter ego of the talented illustrator Yan, who hails from Japan. Her Instagram page is now followed by over 300,000 people and you won’t be able to get enough of it if you love cats as much as the rest of us.

Yan has a cat of her own, named Shelby, and she started drawing cats while looking for an outlet for stress and anxiety. She became more serious about it as time went by, and went from working on basic sketches to mastering the art of digital illustration, even experimenting with animation from time to time.

Her social media posts often follow a similar formula—they feature an illustration or a short comic that put cats fronter and center, followed by a viral video that inspired it. The Great Flooflers makes sure to credit the creators behind the original videos whenever possible, and it’s quite an honor for cat lovers everywhere to end up on her Instagram page.