Now, more than ever before is a time for healing and comfort. It is also time to find a new hobby. First on our list: calligraphy. According to Lauren Fitzmaurice, owner of Renmade Calligraphy, the best way to find your own calligraphy style is through practice and inspiration.
“My favorite way to explore new styles is to pick up a pencil or brush pen and just start writing,” she shared with Surely Simple. “Yes, there are tons of inspiring people on Instagram and it’s ok to find things that you like in others’ work, but the best way to find your own style is to put down the phone, get out the pens, and just practice until you find what you love.”
A left-handed calligrapher and lettering artist from Owensboro, Kentucky, Fitzmaurice found her love of calligraphy while taking an online calligraphy class on her search to find a way to be creative in her busy schedule. Having started lettering and calligraphy in January of 2015 with pointed pen calligraphy, she picked up her first Tombow brush pen about a year after that.
As a lefty, she had to teach herself techniques on how to hold her pen. Though she admits she still has the occasional smear, she agrees practice has helped minimize lefty pangs. After taking on an envelope addressing job, she was hooked and has been loving all things letters ever since.
According to Fitzmaurice, lifting others with letters is her ultimate goal and she currently strives to teach others the art of calligraphy through her blog, her Brit and Co class Lettering for Lefties, and in-person workshops. In addition to learning new techniques for herself, she gives tips to her followers to help them achieve the best result. Follow her tips and tricks on Instagram: