Bryanne Marie is Using Pennies as a Canvas for Her Breathtaking Miniature Art

Miniature art experienced a huge boom in the past few years and we’ve seen artists use everything from mint boxes to their own skin as a canvas. Bryanna Marie decided to turn to pennies and used them to craft some of the most impressive miniature paintings that you’ll ever see.

Marie was born and raised in Tucson, AZ and she’s a self-thought artist, who went on to showcase her art all over the US. She fell in love with miniature art while painting a 3 by 3-inch canvas for a charity event and never looked back.

“[She] quickly fell in love with the challenge of conveying big artistic ideas on small canvases. After that first painting, she continued to push the boundaries, working with smaller and smaller canvases and experimenting with different materials,” reads Marie’s official website.

No topic is off limits for this talented artist, and we’ve seen her share works inspired by nature, animals, and even Disney movies over the years. Marie herself says she’s most inspired by everyday beauty and things that tend to fade into the background of the daily hustle and bustle. Her painting style pays homage to the classics while highlighting the beauty that hides in tiny things that we often fail to notice.