Artist Made 100 Clay Bottles in 100 Days as a New Year Resolution

Image by @annawhitehouseceramics / Instagram

The best thing about New Year resolutions is that they can be whatever we want them to be. People have different goals in life and find themselves in different places over time, so the resolutions we decide to stick to from January 1 can vary a lot.

Nearly a year ago, Anna Whitehouse, an artist from the UK, decided that she would make 100 clay bottles in 100 days, starting Jan 1, 2018. She published photos of all of them on her Instagram page.

“I tried pressing and scraping any tool I could get my hands on into the clay,” Anna spoke about the project. “From my standard clay tools to pen lids, tweezers, scissors, and even a string of beads! I also started making my own tools from bits of a broken pen, wire, and aluminum to create particular marks.”

See some of the pieces below.