Alisa Lariushkina is Transforming Polymer Clay Into Adorable Swirly Jewelry

Many jewelry makers turn to polymer clay when trying to make something extraordinary. That also happens to be the case with Alisa Lariushkina, who’s transforming polymer clay into unique jewelry that will win you over with its vibrant colors and swirly details.

Lariushkina is the mastermind behind the brand Liska Flowers and she specializes in working with air-dry clay. She’s one of the countless artists who make jewelry using this material, so she knew she’ll have to develop a unique visual style in order to stand out.

Lariushkina now mostly works with Japanese polymer clay and she initially used it to create flowers. As time went by and she honed her skills, she came up with her own unique styles, using her hands to curl each pattern and later ensemble them into amazing jewelry.

Many pieces of polymer clay are required to form one of her works of art, and they’re usually inspired by nature. We’ve often seen her jewelry take shape of the most adorable animals, from birds and butterflies to foxes and hedgehogs.

Lariushkina’s creations often take a larger scale these days, as she moved on your jewelry to polymer clay panels depicting landscapes, seascapes, and underwater sceneries in a similar, swirling style.