What Happens When You Use Snapchat Filters In a Museum?

Dheera Venkatraman has many talents to his name, which include hacking, modifying photos, and taking photos. He also shows interest in astronomy, tea, vegetarian food, traditional and classical music, piano, pipe organ, violin, cycling, hiking, badminton, and table tennis, making him an eclectic sort of man.

In his latest project, he used Snapchat filters in an art museum, with hilarious results. “I’m not really a museum person,” Venkatraman admitted on Bored Panda. “I also don’t use Snapchat. But using Snapchat inside an art museum? I just couldn’t resist.”

All of these works are on display at Stanford’s Cantor Arts Center, complete with Snapchat’s gender-swapping interpretation. Venkatraman shared his hilarious results on his Facebook profile.

Scroll down and take a look.