Toddler Mocks His Father’s Accent in the Most Adorable Way

Ahh, the simple joy of being a kid. Always curious, forever eager to learn something new. And also: on the lookout for opportunities to mock their parents. The cheeky little bastards…

This toddler mocks his father’s accent and asks him to say words that stress his Northern Yorkshire accent. The cheeky boy asks his father to say “road” and “path” and then tries it out himself.

The boy’s father obliges all the time and answers as his son giggles. He even lets out a smile each time he answers. The toddler then asks him to say “car on the road” and mimics the response.

After asking one last time, the boy repeats it himself and then bursts into laughter. He looks so adorable and serious at the same time. The video was shared on Twitter and has since gone viral. This is definitely the content we love seeing. Watch the video below.