This Embroidery Artist is Inspired by Both Landscape and Interior Design

Contemporary embroidery artist, Lauren Holton, has carved herself a niche in stitch work, with no artistic background whatsoever. The self-taught embroider resides in a bright and cozy home in the Pacific Northwest with her husband, two young sons, dog, and houseplants.

“Amidst the joys and demands of motherhood, I carve out time for embroidery daily to satisfy an insatiable creativity and a love of all things handmade,” she writes on her website. Inspired by both nature and interior design, she creates a wide variety of work, with constant themes being floral and botanical designs, landscapes, and abstract designs.

“Honestly, I have almost no actual previous experience as an artist,” she admitted in an interview with She’s So Bright. “Somehow embroidery was the thing that really unleashed everything that had been rolling around in my head all this time. I do, however, think I have a pretty good eye for design and color.”

According to Holton, color is the thing that drives most of her work. “I’ll come up with a color palette that I’m dying to use, let it simmer for a while, and decide what type of content it’s most suited to,” she says. “I’m a big fan of both landscapes and interior design (they seem contradictory, I know), and love to pull inspiration from both of those places. I’m also very feminine, so I’m really drawn to floral designs, pink, soft textures, etc., and I think those things definitely influence my designs.”

Here are some of our favorite embroideries by her.