40+ People Reveal the Scariest Person They've Ever Met

Have you ever gotten the creeps and felt like something was off? What about the heebie-jeebies from someone? Whether it's from a complete stranger or a close family member, some people are simply scary.

These people took to Reddit to share real-life stories about the scariest person they've ever met. Prepare to have the hair on the back of your next stand up!

Magnetic Charisma

U/Bridge-etti: "Once did one of those corporate mock jury panels. The little scientist analytics guy came out half way through to shoot the breeze and holy h---. I never understood what people meant by having a magnetic personality until them. We were clamoring over this dude. It was completely involuntary.

Magnetic Charisma

He asked me a question and it was an out of body experience watching myself act like a golden retriever. I was so freaked out that I avoided him like the plague the rest of the panel. Nice dude. Seemed chill but he could have started a cult with a snap of his fingers. Absolutely terrifying."

High-Security Consultation

U/rykh7: "I once as a medical student was doing a rotation in the state mental prison. We had to basic physical on this guy. There was a chair in the middle of the room, bolted to the floor. He had cuffs on his wrists and feet secured to the chair. 9 guards were in the room surrounding us, not more than 5 feet from the chair in a circle. He was off, just not there and didn't want to cooperate.

High-Security Consultation

He looked at me, saw my coat and said 'that guy is from the university, I want to talk to him.'. Still don't know what he had done but after a few months of the rotation no one else had that degree of security for medical visits. No one else was even close."

The Hit Man

U/syntaxndsemantics: "One of the people I grew up calling an uncle was actually a hit man for the mafia. I loved him to death and never would have imagined it, but everyone who knew him and his reputation was terrified of him.

The Hit Man

I only learned of what he did after he disappeared, I miss him he was always really good and kind to me and my siblings, but d--- learning what he did was terrifying."

Big Dragon

U/Soundwave-1976: "I live in New Mexico and met 'Big Dragon' from beyond scared straight. He does outreach like that with troubled kids. I was working as a teacher at YDDC, they brought him down.

Big Dragon

Dudes no joke. I shook his hand and you could just tell, the only reason he was not killing people was he didn't want to, because if he did, the guards would have not been able to do anything about it."

Scary Cellmate

U/TheJonnieP: "I got arrested for public intoxication in the mid/late 90's and was put in a normal cell because the d---- tank was full. About ten minutes later, I was woken up and hastily moved to an adjoining cell. I visited with the guy in the first cell I was in for the few hours. When I was bailed out, I bumped knuckles with Gary, guy in other cell, and left.

Scary Cellmate

I later found out he was Gary Kleypas, and he was being held on 1st degree murder and dismemberment of a body of a college student. I also found out that later in the day, after I left, he beat the next guy who was put in his cell nearly to death. Edit: corrected spelling of Kleypas."

Goldust Vibes

"There was this hyper violent, super effeminate kid named Renault that I went to high school with. He had Goldust vibes, but like a more aggressive, more extroverted version…

Goldust Vibes

The rumor was he beat the s--- out of a group of kids with a baseball bat just for talking s--- to one of his friends. People vouched for the story, too. That kid scared the s--- out of me."