Cats are famous for being curious animals, so we don’t doubt they’d explore the new technologies if they had the chance. Can you imagine cats using Twitter? Turns out, there are plenty of things cats would tweet, and we get the unique chance to see them.
Before they actually become able to do this, we have a Twitter profile Thoughts of Cat that perfectly simulates it. Scroll down to read some of the hilarious tweets that cats would definitely send if they could access social media.
Regarding the topics cats would cover… no surprises there, they revolve mostly around naps and breaking things.
Tormenting the other denizens of the domicile, often via sneak attacks.
Also, naps. #BestWaysToHandleStress
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 24, 2018
Angry canines. One good whap on the nose and they go running for the nearest bush. #NotSoScary
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 17, 2018
#TheWorldWouldBeBetterIf you humans tried to be more like us felines.
Nap more.
Sing the songs of your people proudly.
Sneak attack ankles.
Defecate in litter boxes that you coerce others to clean.
Attack dangly things.
Nap again.— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 30, 2018
I don’t get the human obsession with the #PumpkinSpiceLatte. It’s not like it’s special or unique. It makes the same sound when it hits the floor as any other latte does when pushed off the counter.
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 28, 2018
Nap whenever you can. #TheMeaningOfLifeIn4Words
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 29, 2018
Both humans were up and walking around at 5 AM this morning. What on earth were they thinking? How inconsiderate!!! I was trying to sleep, and they just haaaaaad to be up. What time did they think it was, 3 AM!?!?
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 6, 2018
#IHaveAHardTimeAccepting that humans are in charge of the planet. The only thing that keeps me going is the knowledge that we’ll be in charge soon.
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 22, 2018
To further gather intelligence on human activities in furtherance of our feline plans to overthrow humanity and reign supreme over this planet.
Also, to torment canine accounts. #WhyIJoinedTwitter
— Thoughts Of Cat (@ThoughtsOfCat2) August 1, 2018